CIB  W78  HOMEPAGE 1998 Annual Meeting

1998 CIB W78 Annual Meeting
Thursday June 4
Stockholm, Sweden

The meeting took place between 5.30 and 6.30 pm. as part of a three-day workshop. It was attended by 25 people.

  1. Minutes of 1998 Meeting
  2. These had been previously accepted as a true record having been circulated to members by e-mail and posted on the W78 web site.

  3. Actions arising
  4. These were all covered elsewhere on the agenda.

  5. The Work Programme
  6. Future Meetings
  7. Links to Other Activities
  8. The opportunity for the commission to have closer links with IAI were discussed and it is hoped that the IAI will be able to hold a technical meeting in association with W78. This is to be discussed further by Dana Vanier and Arto Kivaniemi. The creation of the new task group 33 in concurrent engineering was announced to W78 members for the first time at this meeting. A number of W78 commission members expressed their considerable concern over the extent of overlap between this new task group and the commission particularly with regard to the plan to hold conferences in the same year at different locations. Despite reassurances that this was to be reviewed, and an attempt made to avoid it, this has not been achieved for 1999. Given the fact that TG33 was to last for only 3 years and to only hold conferences every two years, it is unclear how the overlap in conferences will affect W78 in the future.

  9. Any Other Business
  10. The Coordinator thanked Bo-Christer Bjork and Adina Jagbeck for having hosted the meeting.

    Martin Betts June 9th 1998.

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Last update 1998.06.24 Per Christiansson