CIB  W78  HOMEPAGE 1995 Annual Meeting

1995 CIB W78 Meeting
Stanford, California
Wednesday August 23

The meeting was attended by 40 people at the end of a 3- day workshop. The details discussed were as follows:

  1. Minutes of 1994 Meeting
    These were distributed and described.

  2. Actions Arising
    They were all addressed elsewhere on the agenda.

  3. The Work Programme
    The projects of the commission were presented and discussed.

  4. Future Meetings
    The 1996 meeting of the commission would be held in Bled, Slovenia between 12-14 June. The theme for the Bled meeting and workshop was proposed to focus on issues of communication. A preliminary call for papers was distributed and further details would be made available on the W78 members list server.

    Candidates for a meeting in 1997 were the Technion in Haifa and James Cook University in Australia. Both were considered acceptable by the meeting and the management board would continue to explore these options before making a decision for a final choice of venue before the end of this year.

  5. Relationship to other working commissions
    In addition to meetings of the commission, forthcoming joint workshops with other commissions were proposed. These would include:

  6. Any Other Business
    The co-ordinator thanked Martin Fischer of Stanford, and his organising committee for having organised a highly successful workshop. He also thanked the commission management board for their support in the organising of the commission.
M.Betts 6/9/95

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Last update 1995.09.06, Per Christiansson