CIB  W78  HOMEPAGE 1997 Annual Meeting

1997 CIB W78 Annual Meeting
Friday July 11
Cairns, Australia

The meeting took place between 9.00 and 10.30 a.m. as part of a three-day workshop. It was attended by 25 people.

  1. Minutes of 1996 Meeting
  2. These had been previously accepted as a true record having been circulated to members by e-mail and posted on the W78 web site.

  3. Actions arising
  4. These were all covered elsewhere on the agenda.

  5. The Work Programme
  6. Future Meetings
  7. Links to Other Working Commissions
  8. The suggestion was made that W78 should establish a closer working relationship with the IAI and with the Armathwaite Initiative of collaboration between major national research centres. The opportunity for W78 members to become part of the Object Technology network being formed by the UK government was also raised

  9. Any Other Business
  10. The Coordinator thanked Robin Drogemuller for having hosted the meeting, the Board for their support during the year and all for attending.

    Martin Betts July 11th 1997.

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Last update 1997.08.12 Per Christiansson