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Head of the Computer Integrated Construction CSTB BP 209 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex France Tel: +33 93 95 67 03 Fax: +33 93 95 67 33 poyet@cstb.ft http://www.cstb.fr/
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Dr. Research Manager, Constr. Systems Div. of Building, Constr. & Engineering P.O. Box 56 (Graham Road) Highett, Victoria Autralia +61-(3) 9252 6000 +61-(3) 9252 6249 Ron.Sharpe@mel.dbce.csiro.au http://www.csiro.au/
Dr. University of Ljubljana Jamova 2, P.O. Box 579 Ljubljana 61001 Slovenia +386 (61)123 1241 (2510) +386 (61)268 572 ziga.turk@fagg.uni-lj.si http://www.fagg.uni-lj.si/
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